Cavities, also referred to as tooth decay, are a common dental condition that can develop gradually as a result of genetic dependence, poor oral hygiene, or excessive sugar consumption. They appear when tiny holes or pits are created as a result of loss of the tooth’s protective enamel. Cavities have a serious negative effect on dental health and general well-being if they are not addressed. They can worsen and result in discomfort, infections, and even tooth loss.

The good news is that cavities may be treated and your teeth can be restored to their best condition with the help of modern, efficient dental procedures. Here’s a detailed look at the best methods for preventing cavities and safeguarding your teeth.

Professional Dental Cavity Treatment Options

understanding cavity treatment

1. Dental Fillings

The most frequent way to treat cavities is to fill the decaying area with a dental filling. Filling products include silver, tooth-colored fillings, and gold.

  • Composite fillings: Consisting of tooth-coloured resin, composite fillings are suitable for front teeth and other noticeable locations.
  • Amalgam fillings: Made from metals like silver, amalgam fillings are long-lasting and cost-effective
  • Gold fillings: These are pricey yet sturdy, lasting many years.
  • Ceramic fillings: Custom-made fillings that match the color of the teeth. 

2. Root Canals

If a cavity has spread to the tooth’s pulp, the deepest layer containing nerves and blood vessels, a root canal may be required. This process consists of removing the infected pulp, cleaning the interior of the tooth, and sealing it.

3. Dental sealants as Preventive treatment

In addition to curative treatments, preventative strategies play an important role in eliminating cavities entirely. Thin plastic coatings placed on back teeth’s chewing surfaces, prevent food particles from filling  in gaps and indeed prevent cavities.

4. Dental Crowns

If a tooth is badly decaying or has had root canal treatment, a crown may be required. Crowns are caps that cover the tooth to restore its shape, size, and function.

5. Fluoride treatments

Fluoride treatments can help rebuild enamel and cure the damage caused by tooth decay in its early stages.

6. Tooth extraction

Extraction could be the sole option if the tooth is too decayed to be maintained. This treatment is typically used as a last option.

Tooth decay treatment costs
Depending on the type of treatment required, the material used, and the dental clinic’s location, cavity repair costs might vary significantly. Here’s an approximate breakdown of cost ranges in the U.S., calculated per tooth.

  • Filings: $100 to $400.
  • Amalgam fillings: $50-$300.
  • Gold fillings: $300-$1,000.
  • Ceramic fillings: $500 to $2,800.
  • Crowns: $500-$3,000.
  • Root canal treatment: $600 to $1,500.
  • Dental sealants: $30 and $60.
  • Fluoride treatments: $25 to $50.
  • Tooth extraction: $75-$300.

These prices may be greater if further procedures or consultations with specialists are necessary. Some of these expenses are covered by dental insurance. 

Special considerations for treating front teeth and root cavity treatment.

Because of their position and appearance, root canals and cavities on the front teeth need special care. Here are a few therapy options:

• Composite resins: These are commonly utilized to fix front teeth cavities because of their tooth-coloured look. For extensive damage, cosmetic veneers or crowns may be advised.
Root cavity treatment: A crown is frequently necessary after root canal therapy for root cavities. Root cavities must be addressed as soon as possible as they might cause more serious consequences if not treated.

Contact Rincon Family Dentistry to treat Cavities

Rincon Family Dentistry specializes in customized dental cavity treatment for the entire family. From front tooth cavity treatment or root cavity treatment, Rincon Family Dentistry is a valued dental health partner, offering flexible scheduling. We believe in providing our patients with information and offer a wide range of services, from preventative care to professional dental decay treatments. Contact us today to learn more.


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