Cavity Treatment In Tucson

Cavity Treatment In Tucson

Cavities are permanent damage to the hardened outer layer of the tooth known as the Enamel. Bacteria in the mouth works night and day to recycle bits of leftover food and convert it into plaque. When plaque sits on your teeth is then digested by other forms of bacteria leaving behind an acidic mixture. These acids will eat away at your enamel, creating cavities.

When a cavity forms it will require treatment in the form of a filling or a crown. Smaller cavities are easily repaired with simple fillings. Larger cavities will often require a full out crown.

If a cavity is left untreated it can cause serious reduction to the structural integrity of the tooth. The teeth then are more easily chipped and broken. Additionally, the cavity will move quickly through the softer inner layer of the tooth, called the Dentin, to reach the pulp. If bacteria is allowed to reach the pulp layer it will likely require treatment in the form of a Root Canal.

Surprisingly more than 80% of people have at least one cavity by the time they enter their 30s. Cavities are today’s most frequent chronic dental illnesses, affecting people of all ages. Even newborns’ milk teeth can develop cavities. Cavities can occur at any age, however cavities are more prevalent in youngsters. They probably don’t wash their teeth adequately and consume more sugary meals and beverages.
Adults are also at risk of developing cavities. New deterioration can form only near to the borders of cavities that were previously treated as a child. Adults are more prone to experience receding gums. Cavity-causing plaque might be exposed to the lower regions of the teeth as a result of this disorder. Plaque on teeth may be a lifelong issue with serious ramifications for oral health.

Cavities and tooth decay can be avoided with good oral and dental care. Visit the Rincon Family Dentistry to receive the advanced oral treatment in Tucson.

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